Review: Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires (Sony PlayStation Vita)


Around nine months after the game landed on the PlayStation 4, Koei Tecmo has finally launched Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires on the PlayStation Vita. Chances are, if you’re a fan of the Warriors games, you’ve already played this on console, but it’s worth double dipping, because it suits the handheld…

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Review: Code:Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ (Sony PlayStation Vita)


The importance of box art has been relegated in today’s digital marketplace, but the front cover of Code:Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ drips such ornate passion it could knock over a shelf of raunchy pseudo-romance covers. Without any hint as to what the heck the title means, the featured couple’s warm…

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DDNet does Japan! Day #4: Import Review: IA/VT Colorful (Sony PlayStation Vita)


Like I was going to pass up an opportunity to grab a new vocaloid game while I was in Japan. Especially since it’s a game that we’re being told can never be localised into English. IA/VT Colorful might feature a vocaloid whose popularity by comparison to Hatsune Miku is like…

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