Review: République (iPad)


Review by Matt S. République has promised so much through its production. It was successfully Kickstarted as a mobile-first AAA-game with serious production values, big name voice actors (including Mass Effect’s Jennifer Hale and Metal Gear Solid’s David Hayter), and developed by industry veterans who have worked on everything from…

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Review: Monaco: What’s Yours Is Mine (PC)


I’ve always had mixed feelings about stealth games. While I love them, it’s hard to ignore the glaring issues that plague most games within the genre, particularly, the problem with losing. If you’ve played a Metal Gear or Splinter Cell game, you’ll know the feeling of having a well-thought-out plan…

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Signal Ops is one of the many titles that proposes a fantastic concept, yet executes it in the most appalling way. On paper, a game that is part real time strategy and part first person shooter sounds unique and potentially enjoyable, but here in execution it’s an absolute mess. When…

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