Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition – A gorgeous game, remade


Video by Matt S. Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition is Nintendo’s next big project – a full-scale remaster of its Wii classic, with completely redone art to bring it firmly into the HD era. It’s difficult to remember that this game – absolutely gorgeous in terms of production values – has…

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Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition is going to be huge


Preview by Matt S.  Xenoblade Chronicles is a game for which the ambition of the developers behind it has always been compromised by the limitations of the platform they were working on. Originally, it was a Wii title that somehow brought the scale of a PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360…

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It’s a little odd, listening to the soundtrack for Xenoblade Chronicles X separate from the game itself. That, of course, applies to most game soundtracks, because game soundtracks have generally been written around what the other creatives on a game development team have come up with. But I don’t mean…

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The Friday Ten: Ten games released after Final Fantasy VII that show IGN’s “JRPG in decline” article was rubbish


Earlier this week, over at IGN, Colin Moriarty penned an opinion piece titled “Are JRPGs primed for a comeback?” His thesis? That the genre has lost relevancy following Final Fantasy VIII, a game released way back in 1997. “Before anyone knew what happened, the genre’s lauded quality from the last…

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Friday 10s: The ten best console JRPGs this gen


Everyone likes a top-10 list. They’re a bit of fun, and always good for discussion. And so each week we pull together a “top 10” list. These are here for fun and laughs – we’re not pretending that we’re the authority of good games taste in the world and this…

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