This War of Mine: Stories expands to its second episode on the title’s fourth anniversary


News by Lindsay M. Last year, 11 bit studios took This War of Mine in a new direction with This War of Mine: Stories, DLC for the PC version of the title dedicated to providing in-depth narrative experiences in addition to the base game. The first episode, Father’s Promise, was…

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The catch-up coffee: Monday, June 26, 2017


News by Lindsay M. and Matt S. Welcome to Digitally Downloaded’s regular catch-up news feature. With each issue we will bring you the best news that you may have missed. Grab the biggest mug you’ve got, fill it with your favourite brew, and catch up with us (and our favourite…

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The key games of January 2016: Forget catching up on that backlog


January is meant to be the quiet time of year, in terms of new releases, and that means it’s meant to be the time we catch up on the unfinished games from last year. But this year is set to get off with a bang, with a bunch of great…

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The Friday Ten: Lindsay’s top games of 2015


2015 is coming to a close, and with it goes one heck of a year for video games. Narrowing down everything to a list of ten was remarkably difficult even despite a number of terribly disappointingreleases this year (I’m looking at you, Calvino Noir). I strongly advise that you use…

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Experience wartime survival through a child’s eyes in This War of Mine: The Little Ones


For console gamers, the term “war” probably brings up a lot of memories, both embarrassing and poignant. Between the time your best friend ruined your 40 kill-streak by lobbing a knife at your crotch and tea-bagging your demoralized avatar in Call of Duty, and the time you murdered a crazed…

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