Game difficulty; or how I learned to stop worrying and love my hero’s horrible deaths


Opinion by Shaan J.  I love dying in games. It’s tough to nail down the exact reason though. I didn’t grow up spending much time on the 8 and 16-bit consoles, so the term “NES-hard” never really resonated with me. Those games that I did play were games where death…

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Friday 10s: Ten essential RPGs and JRPGs for serious gamers on the iPad


Everyone likes a top-10 list. They’re a bit of fun, and always good for discussion. And so each week we pull together a “top 10” list. These are here for fun and laughs – we’re not pretending that we’re the authority of good games taste in the world and this…

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Review: Bastion (iPad)


Scratch beneath the surface, and Bastion is a tight, but entirely generic Diablo-style action RPG, with a little less depth. Then again, why the heck would you want to scratch beneath the surface? For all its accolades and reputation, Bastion isn’t exactly innovative with its gameplay systems. You’ll descend into…

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As I speculated earlier, Humble Indie Bundle V has added more games to the overall package to sweeten the deal. A total of three new games have been added; Jasper Byrne’s 2D horror game Lone Survivor, Team Meat‘s extremely difficulty platformer Super Meat Boy, and Number None’s possibly-pretentious Braid. While…

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Revealed: The 10 best selling Xbox 360 downloads in 2011


Data from Forecasting & Analyzing Digital Entertainment, LLC (FADE), shows that the Xbox 360 had a bumper year for sales, with XBLA revenue hitting a record $US144 million for the year. Surprisingly, perhaps, the brilliant but somewhat forgotten work of art, From Dust, topped the revenue intake for the year,…

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Revealed: The 10 best selling Xbox 360 downloads in 2011


Data from Forecasting & Analyzing Digital Entertainment, LLC (FADE), shows that the Xbox 360 had a bumper year for sales, with XBLA revenue hitting a record $US144 million for the year. Surprisingly, perhaps, the brilliant but somewhat forgotten work of art, From Dust, topped the revenue intake for the year,…

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