Preview by Ginny W. A Plague Tale: Innocence is being developed by Asobo Studio, a French outfit perhaps better known for adapting children’s movies into their video game counterparts. Interestingly, its latest endeavour, which takes place during the black death and brings with it all the plague-bearing rats and inquisitors…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. Hitman is one of those rare few “triple-A” blockbusters that doesn’t treat its players like idiots. And that’s why I like it. Smart and snappy, with a blend of dry and dark humour, Hitman 2 is a fine continuation of the series, and proof that the…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. One of the most common thematic features in the horror genre, in literature and film, is sex. There are several reasons for this. Horror generally taps into the dominant socio-cultural features of society at the time on either a literal or metaphoric level, and certainly the…
Read MoreNews by Matt S. Berlin-based developer, Phantom 8, has released another trailer of its upcoming Past Cure ahead of its release next week. This one’s promising to be a dark game indeed. It follows the story of Ian; a soldier fellow who has become a lab experiment which has left…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. A shooter that manages to be intelligent is a rare, precious thing. Not just intelligent in the sense of it being “anti-war” or subversive, such as games like the recent Wolfenstein titles or Spec Ops: The Line. Nor just in the way that it plays with…
Read MoreReview by Brad L. Ah, the seventies, I’m sure my parents remember them well. The handlebar moustaches, the slick looking giant shades, bell bottom jeans, casual murder. Well, perhaps not that last one so much, but Serial Cleaner is certainly a breath of fresh air in bringing that and the…
Read MoreReview by Ginny W. It’s hard to explain the Styx franchise to someone in polite conversation. It’s definitely difficult to explain on a date. Hell, not even my best friend wants to hear about how I spent my weekend walking a mile in the shoes of an ugly goblin who…
Read MoreReview by Matt S. It’s always risky to base an artwork on a completely foreign culture. It can be done, of course, but regardless of how much you respect a culture, basing a work on it runs the risk of giving the entire setting a superficiality and shallowness that comes…
Read MoreNews Matt S. Here’s a bit of news we missed when it was first unveiled, but caught up on at E3. Daedalic Entertainment announced Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun in March this year. This is a game with some serious potential; it’s a tactical strategy game coming to both…
Read MoreArticle by Sam M. Hitman is back with the second instalment of its new episodic format that was introduced last month. Related reading: Sam’s write-up of the first episode in the series. It’s difficult to talk more about what this game does, as we’ve already covered that in our review…
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