We like to do a reader’s survey twice each year, just to make sure that we are on track for providing you, our readers, the kind of content that you want to read. After all, there wouldn’t be much of a reason for us to write stuff if no one read it!
So it’s that time of year again! We’ve pulled together a short survey of ten questions. It’s completely anonymous (we want to hear what you think of what we’re doing, not who you are, so there is no way for us to identify who made the responses), so please do let us know what you like about us, and what we can do to provide and even better service to you.
We really take all the feedback to heart and do our best to accommodate everyone’s comments. I can’t guarantee that it will all happen immediately, of course, but these surveys do influence us greatly – I’m immensely proud of how DDNet has developed, and it’s been the survey responses that have helped to determine the directions we’ve taken – we wouldn’t be doing anime reviews if a lot of people hadn’t requested it this time last year, for example.
The survey itself should only take you a couple of minutes to complete, so please do take a few moments of your time – your support is appreciated in a way that words cannot describe.
– Matt S.
Find me on Twitter: @digitallydownld