
2 mins read

The grandaddy of the first person shooter is 20 years old. Wolfenstein 3D kicked off the FPS craze only a scant pair of decades ago- and now it’s free to play.

One of the first PC games that I personally COULD NOT STOP playing, Wolf 3D was a classic the second it went gold. The game not only started a genre, but it also made Nazi-shooting fashionable again… not that it ever really went out of style, but people hadn’t really done it in a while so…

To celebrate the game’s big two-oh, Bethesda and iD Software have made the game 100% free to play right in the comfort of your internet browser. Oh how times have changed, I don’t think my parents’ computer could even run the original when it was released all the way back in 1992.

Want to give it a whirl? Point your browser over to or I can pretty much guarantee you’ll be happy you did.

But say you don’t really dig the whole ‘in-browser scene’ man. Well my hipster friend, you’ll be happy to know that Wolfenstein 3D ‘Platinum edition’ (includes all the expansions… yes, even back then) is 100% free on the iOS App Store for today only– so hustle up.

And just for fun, how ’bout a little vodcast featuring Mr. John Carmack and a discussion about the creation of the game and just how it came to be? That’s what I thought- click here and enjoy.

This is the bio under which all legacy articles are published (as in the 12,000-odd, before we moved to the new Website and platform). This is not a member of the DDNet Team. Please see the article's text for byline attribution.

  • Wow. This must be fun to play. I love battle games. I am actually playing Blackshot of Garena and KOS. I should try this one too. Never heard about this.

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