One of the areas the Vita not only holds its own, but outdoes its rival the Nintendo 3DS, is in the social arena. There’s already some nice applications for Facebook, Twitter, Music Unlimited, Skype and, soon, YouTube.
This was confirmed on the PlayStation Blog. I wonder if I’ll finally use some of that data I’ve got on the 3G plan I got my Vita with, now?
It’s coming at the end of June, and it’s going to be a free download.
Sitting right between a games console and a tablet. That’s our Vita.
I have a phone for social apps. No need to buy a $250 device for that.
Sony quite clearly wants the Vita to be an entertainment device. Movies, music, social and "proper" games.
Seems like a good deal for me. iPhone for work and social, iPad for everything, Vita for entertainment, 3DS for games. All great to have around.
I think your right in a way since well got a smart phone with me so why would i waste my vita battery on youtube rather than games and yes the battery is an issue for me
I think it's a good step for the system, and could be useful even on the 3DS.
Reason? YouTube has lots of game-play videos and walk-through videos that can help you if you get stuck in certain spots in a game.
Pause the game, open up YouTube, do a search, watch the video and go back to playing.