The catch-up coffee: November 6, 2023


Welcome to Digitally Downloaded’s weekly catch-up news feature, the catch-up coffee. With each issue I will bring you the best news that you may have missed. Grab the biggest mug you’ve got, fill it with your favourite brew, and catch up with us (and our favourite news anchor, Dee Dee)!…

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The catch-up coffee: Monday, October 30, 2023


Welcome to Digitally Downloaded’s weekly catch-up news feature, the catch-up coffee. With each issue I will bring you the best news that you may have missed. Grab the biggest mug you’ve got, fill it with your favourite brew, and catch up with us (and our favourite news anchor, Dee Dee)!…

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Park Beyond gets a free update, paid DLC


Park Byeond is a theme part simulator that first launched in June of this year. When it was released, Alex reviewed it for DDNet and stated, “I can see what they were going for with Park Beyond, and they did get achingly close to it, but right now, and at…

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