The games of October! Also Goose Games and Apple Arcade! (Digitally Uploaded 2019, Episode #31)


It’s been a really, really good couple of weeks. Not only was the Untitled Goose Game released, to become an instant revelation and something that every person with any taste whould play, but Apple Arcade launched and breathed some much-needed life back into mobile gaming. We also have a good…

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Nintendo is on such a roll with the Switch (Digitally Uploaded 2019, Episode #29)


Nintendo held a direct last week, and it impressed us that much that we decided to talk exclusively about it in the podcast this week. From Deadly Premonition to SNES classics on the Switch, the 40-minute show demonstrated how the Switch is going from strength to strength… and it is…

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Ranking the Final Fantasy series! (Digitally Uploaded 2019, Episode #28)


With the HD remaster of Final Fantasy VIII released this week, the DDNet team took the opportunity to look back at all the Final Fantasy (numbered) series, and talk about the good, the bad, and the way the series has evolved over time. That’s right. From Final Fantasy I through…

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