Watch the 2023 Oceania DanceSport championship now!

Watch the whole event here!

2 mins read
A key art featuring Dee Dee, the mascot of has signed on to be a major sponsor of one of Australia’s most important dancesport championships. And because of that, we have something amazing to give to our incredible readers!

Related reading: Where are the Dancesport video games?

Because I have always wanted to use this platform to champion things that are important to me, and because I am always looking for opportunities to give back to both dancesport and DDNet readers, I have signed the site up to sponsor the video stream of the event.

You can watch it now on Vimeo:

The earlier rounds are the social and lower-level competitions, but as the event gets closer towards the evening session (Australia’s evening), the quality of dancing is going to get really, really high.


Why are we sponsoring an event that has nothing to do with gaming? Well, the success of Welcome to the Ballroom tells me that there is interest in the sport from people who enjoy anime and/or Japanese art. And there’s some self-interest in there. I’m also working on my own dancesport-themed visual novel, as many readers will be aware. Dancesport is a sport that not a lot of people have had exposure to or understand, and it would naturally benefit people who do eventually play my game to have an understanding of what dancesport is, what it looks like, and how competitions work.

Related reading: It’s not about dancesport, but Jack Jeanne is a visual novel about theatre, dance and opera, and will appeal to anyone that finds dancesport interesting.

Most of all, though, I’m just thrilled to be able to use the DDNet platform to do something like this, and I do hope you all enjoy the event! Think of it as a real-life rhythm game!

Matt S. is the Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of DDNet. He's been writing about games for over 20 years, including a book, but is perhaps best-known for being the high priest of the Church of Hatsune Miku.

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