SMASH! Sydney was a truly entertaining event this year, as I noted in my wrap of the show. But I’d be lying if I said anything came close to the enthusiasm of the cosplayers at this convention. That enthusiasm was what made SMASH! so entertaining, bright, and colourful.
The cosplayers that showed up could come from almost any anime, manga or game franchise you could think of. There where the usual suspects, from a Juliet Starling to Link and Hatsune Miku (there were a lot of Hatsune Mikus, actually), and then there were characters from hot new franchises like Attack on Titan and Madoka Magica, random quirky characters like Rilakkuma, and then some really daring stuff.
Not everyone was wearing an elaborate costume, and not everyone was there to compete in the cosplay contest, of course, but that’s exactly what impressed me the most about the show – the sheer number of people dressed up in costume simply to get in the spirit of the event was truly impressive. The sheer number of anime-style school uniforms and Sailor Moon costumes was a sight to behold.
We have a lot of photo galleries to share this week taken from SMASH! This is just the first one. Let us know what you think.
Additionally, if you were one of the people that we snapped on the day, please contact me at so that I can shoot you over a full high-resolution copy of your photo (and thank you again for participating!).
It’s truly awesome when older folk cosplay too. The guy in the middle is a hero. |
Next time someone asks you what “cute as a button” means, show them this picture. This Miku cosplayer is adorable. |
Teddie’s gone on a pretty severe diet. I should have asked him whether it was Atkins or something else. |
No idea what this cosplay is of, to be honest, but you gotta admire this commitment. |
What a beautiul photo this is. |
Love life is pretty popular at the moment, so as you might suspect, a lot of cosplayers about. |
I do hope th poor girl on the bottom didn’t have to strike this pose too often, because there were a lot of photographers about. |
Cheongsams were another popular choice for cosplayers. Not complaining about that, of course. |
…. And of course it wouldn’t be a cosplay event without at least someone turning up as a Final Fantasy character. |
Last up this gallery: this lady is lovely. Attack on Titan’s film producers should be kicking themselves for not discovering her. |
– Matt S.
Find me on Twitter: @digitallydownld
The photos in this gallery were snapped on a Nikon DSLR D7100, provided to DDNet by Nikon.