€19.99/£17.99 will be the price for impaling demons in the eastern kingdom of Mikado

1 min read

News by Jedediah H.

If your hands have been trembling for the chance to palm your Nintendo 3DS like a makeshift samurai sword, Atlus’s RPG Shin Megami Tensei IV may sate your desire this September, when it arrives in Europe, packed with DLC, as a digital download for the price of  €19.99/£17.99.

As a fantastical setting riddled with samurai and the supernatural usually entails, the fate of the world hangs in the balance. And you must wield the complexities of turn-based-combat to protect the kingdom of Mikado from a lumbering army of demons. If you will kindly remember, we greatly enjoyed this title, especially the rewarding combat, and demon collection system.

With the game releasing in Europe nearly a year after it did in the U.S., the price seems pretty fair (or does it? Let us know). If anything, I think many will be thrilled to finally get a chance to continue Atlus’s always intriguing role-playing saga.

-Jedediah H.

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