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As a rule I don’t think it’s worth “reviewing” games that are locked behind subscription paywalls…
There has been little news posted to DDNet this week, thanks to me being more sick…
I feel bad that this is going to be copy-paste review, but there really isn’t much…
Got some money to burn and want a headset that will allow you to truly zone…
It’s kind of amazing to consider that the last several years have been the longest period…
No Auron? Terrible list.
Bah. Auron's too obvious as a choice. Plus he's just another one of those sullen I'm-so-powerful-you-fear-me guys that are a dime a dozen in Final Fantasy games.
I vote for a bit of variety 😉 But really, this list wasn't meant to be taken too seriously… I hope everyone realises that!
Haha, maybe so. Rubicante was a really nice pick though, as was Chocobo.
Yeahhh terrible list, you talked about something about offshoot Final Fantasy games, what about RAMZA… by far the coolest character outside the main series… 🙂
Hey for sure. A FULL list of characters that would be awesome in Dissidia would go forever and be quite tiring to write 😉
Heck, I'd like to see characters from other Square Enix franchises. Slime, anyone?
Well MANY core FF characters are already included in the game (Balthier and Rikku for example) but serve as 'helpers' in the various Help screens. So it's unlikely they will ever be made playable.
Rubicante is a good pick. Why don't you like Auron though? Made up characters from a DS remake and a little kid from a spin-off over Auron?
I do like Auron. As a rule of thumb I like all Final Fantasy characters – they're a diverse and fun bunch.
All I was doing with this list was having a bit of fun, and I was shooting for diversity than anything "definitive". I'm surprised it has become a bit controversial, haha 🙂
Please don't anyone take what's up there personally.
While we're at it… A Biggs and Wedge character (or characters) would be really cool, too. And Cait Sith. And a playable Moogle… See why this list could go on forever? There's a lot of characters there now!