The 24 Games of Christmas! Day 22: WarioWare Gold

2 mins read

Christmas is on the way! It’s time to adorn the tree with dazzling lights, bust out the obligatory TV specials, and gobble festive treats faster than the chef in your family can put them down. More importantly, it’s a precious opportunity to ditch your routine and bask in the company of those you hold dearest.
There might not be snow banks to leap into depending on your geographic coordinates, but video games under a blanket can provide fun with 100 per cent less mess (barring severe eggnog mishaps). It wouldn’t be Christmas at DDNet without our requisite list of games to keep you warm and cozy for the holidays. Each day until Christmas, we’ll highlight a title that’s perfect for passing the time, bonding with friends, or stuffing in your buddy’s stocking.
Join us on this 24 day adventure as we count down to the most wonderful time of the year. Merry Christmas!

Game #22: Wario Ware Gold
Here’s another 3DS release you might’ve slept on this year. WarioWare Gold is a creative carnival of bite-sized goodness, celebrating 15 years of micro games and throwing in new tricks just because it can. It’s the first traditional game in the series for a while too, so fans of the originals won’t feel as out of their element compared to Game & Wario. The formula still holds up, forcing players to hastily problem solve in absurd situations based on clever auditory and visual cues.  

Want to make some Christmas memories? Try handing your 3DS to someone who has never seen the series before and watch as their utter befuddlement becomes captivation.

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