The 24 Games of Christmas! Day 23: Pokémon Let’s Go

2 mins read

Christmas is on the way! It’s time to adorn the tree with dazzling lights, bust out the obligatory TV specials, and gobble festive treats faster than the chef in your family can put them down. More importantly, it’s a precious opportunity to ditch your routine and bask in the company of those you hold dearest.
There might not be snow banks to leap into depending on your geographic coordinates, but video games under a blanket can provide fun with 100 per cent less mess (barring severe eggnog mishaps). It wouldn’t be Christmas at DDNet without our requisite list of games to keep you warm and cozy for the holidays. Each day until Christmas, we’ll highlight a title that’s perfect for passing the time, bonding with friends, or stuffing in your buddy’s stocking.
Join us on this 24 day adventure as we count down to the most wonderful time of the year. Merry Christmas!
Game #23: Pokémon Let’s Go
Pokémon Let’s Go is definitely the most adaptable Christmas game on this list. It’s a nostalgic adventure that you can bask in by yourself for hours, enhanced with more polygonal visuals than the Game Boy originals and various embellishments. It also has very accessible two player co-op perfect for kids and adults alike (not to mention the requisite option for trading with pals who also have the game). Thanks to the implementation of mobile mega hit, Pokémon Go, it’s also a reason to get some fresh air and catch creatures from down the street. Let’s Go is there when you’ve got company, it’s there when they leave, it’s there when you need to burn off that Christmas feast and two helpings of dessert you just inhaled.

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The 24 Games of Christmas! Day 22: WarioWare Gold

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The 24 Games of Christmas! Day 24: Sonic Mania Plus

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