
1 min read

News by Jedediah H.

Tracking down that divine fox in Rat King Entertainment’s first-person puzzle platformer TRI may be a difficult proposition; with environments this lustrous, we may be too entranced with the colourful landscape to be in much of a pursuing mood.

Announced by Rising Star Games in early July, TRI glistened into the centre of my gaze with its intriguing art style, promises of creating triangles (using trigonometry!) to negotiate obstacles, and mysterious vulpine deity. I don’t want you to spoil it for me, Rat King Entertainment, but once we find the fox, do we get to ride it into a mathematically accessed sunset (please say, “In a spiritual sense”)?

Here are the screen-shots from this years Gamescom:

Oh, they’re so beautif – wait, where the heck is that fox?!

-Jedediah H.
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