June 2023 Podcast: What makes a good sequel? And how can narrative be more accessible?

Better stories, better sequels, and all the big games releasing in June!

2 mins read
Digitally Uploaded Podcast

Welcome to the June 2023 edition of the Digitally Uploaded podcast! As usual, we’ve got a great show for you planned.

We start by chatting through all the big releases in June. It’s dominated by one particular game, but there’s a lot of other interesting stuff coming too!

Then we talk about sequels – what makes a good sequel? Should it be a direct continuation of its predecessor, or something totally different? And is it okay to reuse elements, such as the same in-game world?

Finally, we talk about narrative accessibility. With games becoming increasingly large and dense, what can and should developers do to make sure they’re bringing audiences on the journey with them?

Thanks as always for tuning in, and have a great month of gaming ahead!


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1) Download the free Podbean application, and subscribe to the Digitally Uploaded podcast there (Just search “Digitally Uploaded”). Alternatively, you can find us through our Feed RSS, here: https://feed.podbean.com/digitallydownloaded/feed.xml

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3) Simply click on the player below to tune in as you browse DDNet!

4) We’re also on iTunes podcasts, which you can find here. Or Google Podcasts, which you can reach by clicking right here! Or Amazon’s Audible! We’re on there too! Click here. And now we’re on TuneIn too! Click here.

Enjoy, and as always, please do let us know if you’ve got any feedback or would like for us to discuss a particular topic on an upcoming show.

Matt S. is the Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of DDNet. He's been writing about games for over 20 years, including a book, but is perhaps best-known for being the high priest of the Church of Hatsune Miku.

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