Mary Skelter Finale: This fanservicey JRPG is smarter than many will claim

1 min read

Video by Matt S.

Mary Skelter Finale is the third and final chapter of one of the most fanservicey dungeon crawler JRPGs of all. This one is so fanservicey it was banned in Australia.

So naturally, I’ve played it.

Here are my top-line thoughts on the game (no spoilers, promise! All footage taken from the first five hour’s play). The reality is that while it is fanservicey, it is so for a thematic reason and the game is actually smarter and more articulate than many will give it credit for. Many – if not most – will see the art and immediately turn away, never asking just whether the art has a point.

Do let me know your own thoughts on this game and series!

Matt S.
Find me on Twitter: @mattsainsb

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