News by Lindsay M., News Editor

Welcome to Digitally Downloaded’s regular catch-up news feature. With each issue we will bring you the best news that you may have missed. Grab the biggest mug you’ve got, fill it with your favourite brew, and catch up with us (and our favourite news anchor, Dee Dee)!

Root Letter: Last Answer faithfully recreates original title with live cast

We finally have answers about Root Letter: Last Answer. The title is a new entry to the newly-created Root Letter series (prior to a couple of months ago, it was just one game) yet is also a remake of the original title. Confused yet?

Last Answer features 90 actors to bring the story of Root Letter to life and bringing it into the FMV world. It features an original mode that uses the original artwork, but the shining star is the new drama mode that utilizes those actors to give the game a television-like feel.

The game also includes four scenarios set after the story ends in the original game. Root Letter: Last Answer will be released for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PS Vita (!!!) in Japan on December 20.

Hyakki Castle update includes a free dungeon map

If you’ve got Haunted Dungeons: Hyakki Castle on PC (our review here), PlayStation 4, or Switch (another review here!), you’re in luck! There’s a free update available now that includes a free dungeon to play post-story and some post-launch updates. For a Hyakki Castle refresher, here’s a gameplay trailer:

The new dungeon is called Revenge of the Doman and unlocks upon completing the pain story; it includes new attack patterns and dungeon areas. Also upon story completing, players will unlock a timed mode where the goal is to clear dungeons faster than ever before.

Fixes included in the update are adjusted enemy spawn locations and food drop rate, text errors, an enemy-clumping bug, and reducing the HP in high-level enemies.

Need more Picross for the Switch? Kemono Friends Picross launches this week

Surprise! Originally announced for the Nintendo Switch in Japan about a month ago, with a release date of October 4, developer Jupiter has announced that Kemono Friends Picross will launch simultaneously for Western Switch owners.

The title brings the girls of Kemono Friends together with the well-known world of the Picross franchise. There are 300 puzzles to solvem including regular and Mega Picross, and Clip Picross where you solve multiple smaller puzzles to create a larger one.

So how are the Kemono Friends involved? Solving problem will unlock illustrations starring the friends, or you can use a feature where the girls will watch you play from the corner of the screen.

New Space Hulk: Tactics trailer profiles the Genestealers

I owe all of our readers an apology, as I was sick earlier this week and couldn’t get this really awesome new Space Hulk trailer to you any sooner! So without further ado…

Genestealers are described as the “festering malice at the heart of Space Hulk,” and they’re ready to protect their ships with their lives. They have different strategies compared to Space Marine Terminators, making multiplayer less equal than you may be used to.

Space Hulk: Tactics will be released for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on October 9.

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