Well… I totally am.
A good friend and utter genius, Phil, is gearing up to start publishing a series of books about works of art that a group of authors have had a deeply personal reaction to. The first series of books will comprise of six volumes, and I am quite humbled and honoured to have the opportunity to contribute one of those six books.
The topics of these authors range from Shakespeare to film, documentaries to music albums. But me? Well, I’m writing a book about Hatsune Miku, and everything that Miku has come to represent and mean to me. Which, if you’ve been reading along with DDNet, is actually an awful lot.
You can read more about this series of books here: http://noiselesschatter.com/2015/10/05/announcing-arts-in-entertainment/, but to copy/ paste the bit specifically about my contribution:
6) Hatsune Miku
Critic and author of the best selling Game Art Matt Sainsbury takes an in-depth, personal look at the unexpected cultural implications of a digital instrument that was given a carefully-crafted personality…and which has managed to shake up a lot more than just the music industry.
Phil is taking the series of books to Kickstarter shortly, so that they can be published as physical copies, as well as e-books, and he’s looking for $6,800 in order to make it happen. A pledge of just $10 is going to be enough to secure a copy of my book, though I highly recommend you pledge more to grab some of the other books in the series, because I certainly am. Gosh the topics are fascinating.
If all goes well, then these books will start to appear in 2017.
And, if you’d like to support me directly, because running a website and writing a book is an enormously time consuming and expensive process, and your support will be enormously appreciated in making sure I’m actually able to eat and pay rent while I’m doing all this, then please consider backing my Patreon. I’ll make sure all my backers there are kept well updated with what I’m up to, both with DDNet and the book, and you’ll have my eternal thanks: https://www.patreon.com/MattSainsb?ty=h.
Lots of things happening! Exciting times ahead, both for DDNet, and myself! Thank you for continuing to read my rants, raves, and reviews!
– Matt S.
Find me on Twitter: @digitallydownld