
20 mins read

After Bethesda’s big show comes Microsoft, the first of the hardware manufacturers to put on an E3 show. And what are we looking at this year? Halo? Gears of War? New IP (we hope new IP)? Microsoft has got a history of doing some odd things at E3, like the time it spent more time talking about TV than games, but no doubt we’re in for a big one this year.

The full summary of the eveny below for people who were either asleep (such as Australians), working, or otherwise. What do you think of the event? Let us know in the comments!

Microsoft opened the E3 Presentation with a montage of the games it is about to explore further. Halo, Tomb Raider, Forza, and a glimpse of a few unrecognisable new IP’s meant there was some big things to come. The common theme to get out of this opening was that this was going to be, and I quote “greatest games lineup in Xbox history.” I’m not an Xbox man, but what was about to be presented made me want to step into the Xbox world.
Halo 5 Guardians

·         Master Chief returns. I couldn’t think of a better way to kick off Xbox than with Halo.
Walking through the world looked it is as if you are a part of it, in the suit, with parts of the screen being subtly blocked by the outline of your helmet, its these little touches that I think games need to think about. There was around about five or so minutes of actual gameplay with very little story detail given.
·         The big announcement came when 343 said that the campaign is specifically built for drop in/out cooperative gameplay. More games should work like this, there was no mention on how many players would be able to drop in and out but it looked as though there was at least a team of four (with 3 AI controlled) people in the gameplay.
·         They also announced a completely new revamped multiplayer called Halo Warzone. The multiplayer will feature up to 24 user controlled players as well as AI controlled companions.
·         Halo Guardians is available only on Xbox One, 27 October 2015.

·         Recore was the first new IP to be announced.
·         There really isn’t much to go on for this game and not much is known yet. From the trailer, which didn’t involve any gameplay, we saw a female lead with a robotic companion. Recore appears to be a first or third person shooter, where you battle against robots. It looks interesting on the surface but I would wait to see more before making a call.
·         Recore is available only on Xbox One coming spring 2016.
Backwards Compatibility

·         This is one way to win over the gamers. You will be able to play your Xbox360 games on your Xbox One. The way it was explained to work was if you own the game on 360, and it is on the “approved” list of games it you can download the Xbox One version of it, regardless of it’s a digital or retail copy.
·         This means that you can play online against Xbox360 players on your Xbox One as well as getting access to all of the Xbox One features such as screenshots.
·         Available holiday 2015.
Xbox Elite Controller

·         This is one of the more interesting announcements because it’s just a controller right? WRONG this is the Elite Controller for the elite gamer. I mean that sincerely. Some of the features included with this piece of hardware are ridiculous.

·         Trigger Locks, paddles for in-game driving, customised button mapping, swappable components, modifying the sensitivity of the thumb sticks and of the triggers.
·         No price yet, available fall 2015, for Xbox One and Windows 10.

·         Just when you think you have heard the last of Fallout 4 it comes back around again.
·         Bethesda was back showing off some new weapons the other survivors out there that you will interact with around the world. Also displayed the battle suit thing, where you can fight bigger enemies. Then for the exclusive stuff.
·         Fallout 3 will be included in Fallout 4 for Xbox One.
·         Then a big announcement, MODS that are made for the PC version of Fallout 4 will work with the Xbox One. Mods on consoles, how awesome!
·         Coming to XB1, PS4, PC November 10.
EA Access

EA’s subscription service announced a Titanfall and Dragon Age Inquisition will be coming to the list of EA Access games. If you want to try EA Access it is free for all Xbox Live Gold Members during the week of E3.
Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2

·         New characters, new worlds, new ways to play. 
Looks very colourful and polished, a bit of fun for everyone.
·         Coming to Xbox One and Windows 10 spring 2016.
Forza Motorsport 6

·         The Ford GT gets lowered down from the roof, a very nice looking car, to present a very nice looking game, Forza Motorsport 6.
·         I’m not a car guy, but these cars look spectacularly good. It will run in 1080p at 60FPS. With 24 Car multiplayer. The game has upped its classy look once more, with some amazing looking lighting and visual effects, it will look even more glorious in 60 FPS.
·         Coming to Xbox One September 15th2015.
Dark Souls 3

·         Something dark, something demonic, could it be… a new Dark Souls? Why Yes, Yes it is. Dark Souls 3.
·         Coming to Xbox One and Playstation 4 early 2016.
Tom Clancy’s The Division

·         I was a little bit disappointed not to see any division gameplay at this year’s E3. I did see some gameplay of it at PAX in November and it looked really good. It had a Watch Dogs style of AR to guide you around the world. We will obviously see more at the Ubisoft presenation later today.
·         Xbox One exclusive beta in December.
·         No official release date ETA 2016.
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege

·         Initial trailer shows you as a SWAT team breaching and clearing through some pretty crazy situations.
·         Rainbow 6 Vegas & Rainbow 6 Vegas 2, coming free with Rainbow 6 Siege.
·         Coming to Xbox One, Playstation 4 and Windows 10, October 13, 2015.
Gigantic – Windows 10/XboxOne Exclusive

·         The best way to describe how this game looks is that it is like Team Fortress but with animals.
·         Free To Play. Beta in August 2015.
Indie Lineup ID@Xbox

·         They jumped the gun with the indie games and showed about 12 games in 15 seconds, so I struggled to get them all down. Here was a few I managed to snag: Tacoma, Goat Simulator, Below, ARK Survival Evolved, Recruits, Super Hot, Ashen and many more…
·         TacomaFrom the team that brought you gone home, in a space like atmosphere. Coming 2016. First on Xbox One & Windows 10.
·         AshenNo release date yet. Unique art style. Xbox One exclusive
·         Beyond Eyes You play as a blind girl, must use other senses to work your way around the world. First on XB1 & Windows 10. No release date.
·         Cuphead Has the look of a 1930’s cartoon. Like Mickey Mouse in Steamboat Willie. Only on Xbox. Coming to Xbox One & Windows 10 2016.
Xbox Game Preview

·         Another interesting announcement by Microsoft with the ability to access games while still in development.
·         Will work similar to Steam early access, The Long Dark, Shelter and DayZ are among the launch titles. Starts today.
·         You have access to a trial period before you decide if you want to invest in the game early.

·         Looks like a space adventure game, super vague, not much shown about it.
·         Coming soon to Xbox One & PC.
Rise of the Tomb Raider

·         Here we go, what I have been waiting for, Tomb Raider gameplay. I loved its predecessor on the PS3, I hope eventually it comes to PS4. It takes place in a snow atmosphere or on a few mountains. It looks so pretty, particles of snow everywhere, as if you are in a real snowstorm scaling a mountain.
·          The animations look amazing, climbing up the mountainside. Animations so realistic and not choppy, hard to believe it’s not a cut scene. In typical Lara Croft fashion you find yourself running away from imminent death, but boy, it looks so good.
·         Xbox timed exclusive coming November 10th2015.
Rare Games

·         Rare Replay announced which is 30 Games for $30.
·         A collection of games by Rare Games. Packaged together for your gaming goodness.
·         Banjo Kazooie, Perfect Dark, Conkers Bad Fur Day among the lineup.
·         Xbox One exclusive August 4th 2015.
Sea of Theives

·         Brand new IP from Rare Games. Everything was in game footage, no CGI, it looked fantastic.
·         The moment it began the playful music and colourful palate of the world just oozed goodness into this game. Then you board a pirate ship and the music turns into somewhat of a sea shanty. You play as a pirate, battling to rule the seas, with cannonballs for ship battles and plundering!
·         Exclusive to the Xbox One, no release date. It’s Rare, so we’re betting 2030.
Fable Legends

·         Announced for Xbox One & Windows 10
·         Any content purchased across either platform will be cross buy and work on both.
·         No Release Date, coming soon.
Oculus Rift

·         Xbox One will be using the Oculus Rift. Huge announcement. So massive, since they aren’t making their own VR headset, they can use one that is already done.
·         You can play Xbox One games on Oculus through Windows 10 and each Oculus Rift will come with an Xbox controller.
Microsoft HoloLens

·         But wait, there’s more. Microsoft HoloLens is an augmented reality piece of hardware.
·         If you haven’t seen this, go watch it and you will lose your mind at how cool this is. At first you are playing Minecraft through the HoloLens and using the wall as a screen. This is where things get really cool. They decide to put the Minecraft world onto the table.
·         They just put, the Minecraft in-game world, onto the table, 3D and all. Moved it from the wall, to the table. This is the most amazing thing I have seen in a long time. You can put your head into the Minecraft world to look into buildings and see how the inside. You can move the world left and right, up and down and look into places you wouldn’t normally be able to see.
·         This is the future of everything, I cannot wait to see how this is added into other games. The way it works with Minecraft is so cool. There is no way in words that I can describe how cool this is, unless you watch it for yourself. So do yourself a favour and watch that presentation.
Gears of War Ultimate Edition

·         Remake of original Gears of War.
·         Coming to Xbox One August 25th, 2015
Gears of War 4

·         A brand new character and storyline with very intense and high paced gameplay. Hunting down all sorts of weird creatures. Plenty of creative ways to kill these things, such as shooting shotgun bullets to destroy their body or just using a chainsaw to cut them in half. Another Gears of War game I’m sure fans of the series will enjoy.
·         Coming to Xbox One Holiday 2016.

– Dean M. 

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