PlayStation 4 will be region free, let’s not underestimate this

1 min read
Yep, screw waiting for these games to be localised

Good news for all importers, as Siliconera has reported that a tweet from Shuhei Yoshida has confirmed that the PlayStation 4 will indeed be region free.

If everything else that Sony achieved in that two-hour show today wasn’t enough, this is yet another point of differentiation between the PS4 and the other two consoles, which remain tightly controlled by their manufacturers. This, of course, mirrors the past generation where the PlayStation 3 was the only one capable of playing foreign games, but I had my concerns that Sony would change things this time around. The Vita was a step back after all, being region-free but only allowing the one account at a time, meaning that aside from a ridiculous workaround you were basically locked into the one region or buying physical copies of all your games. No Japanese PSN for you.

But of course the PS4 will have to support multiple accounts, and that means it’s almost certain that players will be able to maintain UK, Australian, US and Japanese accounts. For us Australians, especially, we miss out on so many game releases that we have to import them from somewhere.

And, as a fan of weird Japanese games that are just not worth anyone’s time to localise into English, having region free consoles is essential.

Good move (again), Sony.

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