24 Games Of Christmas! Day #3: Unpacking

2 mins read

As has become an annual tradition at DDNet, we are here to help you count down towards Christmas! One new game every day for the 24 days from December 1 to Christmas Eve. Think of it as a kind of Advent Calendar, if you will, giving you new tips and ideas for games to pick up and play at that rare time of year where everyone does have a little more time to indulge their favourite hobbies.

Also, it’s an excuse to post pictures of cute anime girls in Christmas gear every day. I won’t deny that we love doing that too.

Day #3: Unpacking

There are a number of reasons that Unpacking is a nearly perfect Christmas game. For one thing, it is a short little thing. It’ll take you around six to eight hours to play through, and when you’re between Christmas parties and family obligations, then a shorter game is just what the doctor ordered. 

But there’s more to it than that. Unpacking’s emotional strength is found in the way that it encourages players to take a good look at their possessions, and through that remember and evaluate their lives. Christmas, with the gift-giving side of things, is where people often find their most treasured possession – the kind of things that they put priority on, and that travels with them as they move from home to home, as is the focus of Unpacking’s story. And so, in playing Unpacking at Christmas, you may well find yourself looking over your own, real-world possessions, and remembering why they mean so much to you.

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