The second issue of the DDNet e-magazine is now live. Continuing our theme of focusing on one specific topic each month, this time around we’ve taken a close look at the ever-controversial theme of fanservice.

Related reading: You can catch up on the first issue of the magazine here.

Ah yes, fanservice. What so many immediately assume to mean “girls in their underwear,” doesn’t need to mean that at all. Certainly, sexualisation is a one way fanservice can go, but it’s not the only direction. Smash Bros. is fanservice in a pure forum, but it’s completely sexualisation-free, after all.

But even when it is the sexualised kind of fanservice, why do so many people dismiss a fanservicey game out of mind the moment they find out about its content? Fanservice can be implemented in an intelligent and meaningful manner into games, and used to make a point, or to enhance a person’s connection to the game, or even reward the most dedicated of fans for their years of faithful support.

With this issue of the magazine, we’ve taken a serious look at the various facets of fanservice, talking about it in relation to games and themes such as:

  • Hatsune Miku
  • Final Fantasy XIV
  • Senran Kagura
  • Dead or Alive
  • Sonic & Sega All Stars: Racing Transformed
And, based on your feedback from the first magazine, we’re happy to say you can download this one now to take it with you on the go (and we’ve updated the first magazine so you can download that too, if you’d like). 
Oh, and finally, we’ve got some very fanservicey art work of the DDNet mascot, Dee Dee, in there. Some of which are exclusive to the magazine!
So enjoy, and look forward to next month, where we tackle the issue of “Non-games”. Intriguing, no?

Oh, and if you do enjoy this magazine, please do consider backing myself and the magazine’s editor, Pete, on Patreon. As much as this is a passion project for us both, it would be that much easier to do more and bigger if we were able to support ourselves along the way:
Thank you for your support, and we hope you’re enjoying the DDNet magazine!
– Matt S. and the DDNet team

This is the bio under which all legacy articles are published (as in the 12,000-odd, before we moved to the new Website and platform). This is not a member of the DDNet Team. Please see the article's text for byline attribution.

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