
1 min read

Watch_Dogs, Assassin’s Creed IV, Rayman and plenty more will be present and accounted for at Ubisoft’s E3 press conference later today. Check out the show in full, live and as it happens right here.

Ubisoft easily has two of the most highly anticipated games at this year’s E3 with Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and Watch_Dogs. There just might be some big surprises at the event as well- one of which may arrive in the form of the ‘on again off again’ Beyond Good and Evil sequel.

Earlier, the software giant published a tease for the game on their facebook page (as seen here on CVG) and, while the game’s appearance is still far from a certainty, it’s the first time we’ve seen anything from the proposed title in a good long time. So… fingers crossed then?

Ubisoft’s press conference kicks off at 6pm Pacific Time.

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