What is Suda 51 currently playing?

1 min read

Suda 51 is a true maverick. Although the quality of his games are at times patchy, and never for everyone, he has a true adult entertainment hit on his hands with the upcoming Shadows of the Damned.

He was good enough to bring his 3DS to a recent promotional event for the game in Sydney, Australia. I too brought my 3DS. So we StreetPassed. So, what game is Suda 51 currently playing?

Well, apparently, this: http://www.bandaigames.channel.or.jp/list/ganbaride/

Kamen Rider Battle is a hugely popular and long running kids show in Japan… it’s sort of like the Power Rangers over here, I guess.

Is this an indication of what Suda’s next game might be? Probably not. But it’s kinda cool to know what the great man did over his long flight to Sydney.

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