Review: Republic of Pirates (PC)


The pitch for Republic of Pirates is straightforward enough: It’s a very light Anno, with a pirate theme. That should make it a pretty safe bet for a lot of folks out there, especially when it’s also priced as a very budget-friendly Anno. I’m not usually one to talk about…

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Review: Botany Manor (Nintendo Switch)


Full disclosure: I have no semblance of a green thumb. Sometimes it feels like I can just look at plants and kill them. I think that’s why I have come to appreciate games with/about gardening in any capacity: I use video games as an escape, and escaping to something you…

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Review: Liberation (PC)


Dystopian science fiction has been popular of late, and it might be tempting to think that it’s a reflection of the modern age we live in, and therefore a new concept in the sci-fi world. Tempting… but badly inaccurate. Dystopian depictions of the far-flung future have been part of science…

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Review: Fashion Dreamer (Nintendo Switch)


You would think fashion was an easy concept for video games. I mean, sure there won’t be visceral bloodletting (though a catwalk fighting game would be amazing…), but fashion lends itself to collectability, which is how many games keep players invested, and who doesn’t like playing dress-up with pretty characters?…

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