24 Games Of Christmas! Day #6: Root

2 mins read

As has become an annual tradition at DDNet, we are here to help you count down towards Christmas! One new game every day for the 24 days from December 1 to Christmas Eve. Think of it as a kind of Advent Calendar, if you will, giving you new tips and ideas for games to pick up and play at that rare time of year where everyone does have a little more time to indulge their favourite hobbies.

Also, it’s an excuse to post pictures of cute anime girls in Christmas gear every day. I won’t deny that we love doing that too.

Day #6: Root

If you’re anything like me, Christmas season means board game season, as the family returns home, and pulls out the board games while catching up and having a beer (or ten). It’s one of those things – Christmas is a time where people have relatively more time and board games are a great way of focusing that time. This year, Root’s going to be on heavy rotation, I suspect, because it is both excellent and very easy to play – there’s no need to spend hours upon hours learning the rules, and then a few hours more arguing over them.

Also, if you’re anything like me, then board games bring out the competitive edge and winning is real important. That’s where the video game adaptation of Root comes in. You can test the many possible strategies against competent enough AI when playing Root, figure out how to win with each faction, and then roll people when playing the real board game. Excellent.

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