inXile teams with Obsidian for Wasteland 2

3 mins read

Developer and Kickstarter… starter… inXile announced this week that they might be teaming with developer Obsidian Entertainment for the hotly anticipated Wasteland sequel.

Obsidian, if you don’t know, is an elite genre dev. Many of the team members that make up the company were directly involved in the classic Interplay Black Isle label. What’d they do that was so great? Oh just a few little monster hits like Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale, and Fallout 1 & 2. And that’s not to mention stuff that they’ve worked on directly like Neverwinter Nights 2, KotR 2, and Fallout: New Vegas… so you know, no biggie.

Obsidian’s Chief Creative Officer Chris Avellone will be working directly with the design team at inXile to help bring the world of Wasteland together.   Avellone stated, “Wasteland is one of my favorite RPGs of all time, and when Brian asked if I wanted to work on the sequel, I jumped at the chance. While I’ve worked on Fallout 2 and Fallout: New Vegas, getting the chance to work on the spiritual predecessor to the Fallout franchise is a honor.”  Brian Fargo added, “I have a history with the guys at Obsidian that dates back to the days of Interplay’s Black Isle studios.  Together we created some of the greatest RPG’s of all time, from Fallout 1 & 2 to titles like Icewind Dale and Planescape: Torment.  It is great that we now have a chance to reunite on a project like Wasteland 2.”

As for the Kickstarter program, there’s still 17 days left to accrue more funds and the tally so far has reached a stunning 33,000 backers and 1.65 million USD in operating capitol. The kick in all of this Obsidian talk is that the deal only goes into effect if the KS level reaches 2.1 million. That being said, the company will soon also be looking to open up PayPal options in country’s where getting a Kickstart just won’t happen. Ah legalities… they ruin so, so, much. Apparently a good chunk of the fans that Wasteland has are from places where KS doesn’t operate out of- so cross your PayPal using fingers.

If you’d like to see more in the meantime, and keep up to date on all things post-nuclear (including the PayPal option) head on over to Wasteland’s official site.

Best of luck guys.

This is the bio under which all legacy articles are published (as in the 12,000-odd, before we moved to the new Website and platform). This is not a member of the DDNet Team. Please see the article's text for byline attribution.

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inXile teams with Obsidian for Wasteland 2

3 mins read

Developer and Kickstarter… starter… inXile announced this week that they might be teaming with developer Obsidian Entertainment for the hotly anticipated Wasteland sequel.

Obsidian, if you don’t know, is an elite genre dev. Many of the team members that make up the company were directly involved in the classic Interplay Black Isle label. What’d they do that was so great? Oh just a few little monster hits like Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale, and Fallout 1 & 2. And that’s not to mention stuff that they’ve worked on directly like Neverwinter Nights 2, KotR 2, and Fallout: New Vegas… so you know, no biggie.

Obsidian’s Chief Creative Officer Chris Avellone will be working directly with the design team at inXile to help bring the world of Wasteland together.   Avellone stated, “Wasteland is one of my favorite RPGs of all time, and when Brian asked if I wanted to work on the sequel, I jumped at the chance. While I’ve worked on Fallout 2 and Fallout: New Vegas, getting the chance to work on the spiritual predecessor to the Fallout franchise is a honor.”  Brian Fargo added, “I have a history with the guys at Obsidian that dates back to the days of Interplay’s Black Isle studios.  Together we created some of the greatest RPG’s of all time, from Fallout 1 & 2 to titles like Icewind Dale and Planescape: Torment.  It is great that we now have a chance to reunite on a project like Wasteland 2.”

As for the Kickstarter program, there’s still 17 days left to accrue more funds and the tally so far has reached a stunning 33,000 backers and 1.65 million USD in operating capitol. The kick in all of this Obsidian talk is that the deal only goes into effect if the KS level reaches 2.1 million. That being said, the company will soon also be looking to open up PayPal options in country’s where getting a Kickstart just won’t happen. Ah legalities… they ruin so, so, much. Apparently a good chunk of the fans that Wasteland has are from places where KS doesn’t operate out of- so cross your PayPal using fingers.

If you’d like to see more in the meantime, and keep up to date on all things post-nuclear (including the PayPal option) head on over to Wasteland’s official site.

Best of luck guys.

This is the bio under which all legacy articles are published (as in the 12,000-odd, before we moved to the new Website and platform). This is not a member of the DDNet Team. Please see the article's text for byline attribution.

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