D3 Publisher drops a teaser trailer for previously unannounced Samurai Maiden

Looks like a school uniform special, this one.

2 mins read

D3 Publisher, known for producing Bullet Girls, Dream Club, Earth Defense Force, Omega Labyrinth, and other series, has been keeping a little secret from us from May, and while they aren’t yet ready to reveal it to its full extent, they have released a short 20-second trailer regarding it.

An official title for this new release project hasn’t been announced, although, from what we already know, we can make a pretty good assumption that its title will most likely be “Samurai Maiden”.

On May 18 in Japan, D3 Publisher had applied for a trademark under the grounds of ‘education/entertainment, fitting into the category of video games. Additionally, the game’s Twitter and Instagram pages are easily identifiable under the names “s_maiden_en”, and “******* MAIDEN”. Now, I’m sure that some of you by now have already determined the common variable in these names to be the word “maiden”, and the especially astute amongst you will even notice that the mysterious seven asterisks could be replaced with ‘Samurai’! That seems to be the running theory anyway!

The trailer itself unfortunately does not provide much information about the game in the way of gameplay features, living up to its teaser trailer status, but we have been given a listed date of August 2. This will presumably harbour the official release, an overview of the game, and hopefully another trailer and release date. Furthermore, plans to release the title worldwide have been officially revealed, as demonstrated by its associated applied age rating in Korea back in May.

D3’s rather famous for the fan service, so let’s see how far things go this time!

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