Physical-only releases in 2021 are gross. Let’s not do this.

1 min read

Video by Matt S.

So one of the more interesting things to become a trend from this year’s E3 came out of nowhere; not one, but TWO companies announced physical-only game releases. You will not be able to buy and download them, ever. The only way to get a copy is to slap down a pre-order on what will be incredibly limited run games.

This is gross. This is really tapping into FOMO, and it’s just as intolerable as the hardcore exploitation found in loot boxes and DLC. It’s especially disappointing because this is being done by two companies I have a lot of respect for.

I really, really hope this doesn’t become a trend. We’ve had enough gross business practices emerge over the last few years. We don’t need one in the indie and arthouse space too.

– Matt S. 
Find me on Twitter: @mattsainsb

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