
1 min read

News by Lindsay M.

I know, I know: I’m falling for the news-about-news trend that I have been known to hate. But when the news about upcoming news is regarding Persona 5 all hate goes out the window.

Persona 5’s Japanese website has launched a series of countdown timers that will end one after the other on July 19. There are seven timers, with the assumption being that each timer relates to one new reveal about the incredibly anticipated title.

Related reading: Deep Silver recently announced it would be publishing Persona 5 in PAL Territories.

Getmatsu is reporting that banner ads for the event have taken over the Niconico homepage. The ad, below, features the protagonist on the left side and Goro Akechi on the left. The right side states “Take the treasure from the Tokyo National Museum,” while the right reads “Seven new announcements!! Preliminary Investigation File.”

The Persona 5 event will be streamed live on Niconico (hence the banners) at 19:30 JST July 19.

– Lindsay M.
News Editor

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