
1 min read

Back in 2010, when the first RPG titles starting releasing on Apple’s mobile devices, FDG Entertainment delivered a title with high production values that put the much beloved Zenonia on a run for its money: Across Age. Its simultaneous multiple playable character gameplay approach and the ability to time travel found it to be a standout title, even if a bit flawed around the edges.

Fans of the original title have waited for quite a long time for Across Age to makes its return and that wait is about to come to a close, with Across Age 2 set to land on the shores of the iOS Marketplace this coming Winter. As you can see in the trailer below, the beautifully retro sunny blue skies in the game look to be a warm refuge during the cold holiday months and the promise of a 20 hour campaign means we’ll be staying there for a good while indeed.

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