The weekly discussion: How do you use game walkthroughs?

1 min read

Game guides have existed for nearly as long as the video games themselves. Even back in the 80s you would be able to dig through an issue of Nintendo Power to discover that Simon Belmont just needed to crouch down beside a wall while holding a crystal so he could summon a tornado.

In the technologically privileged present though, we have access to cheats or hints for nearly any game imaginable. With a smartphone in hand, you can get your answers from anywhere, instantly (not to mention for free). While some argue that games are much more straightforward now, many still have their fair share of cryptic sequences, obnoxious boss battles, or sidequests that can be sped up with a quick Google search or trip down to GameFAQs.

Does turning to a game guide at the drop of a hat ruin the experience in your mind? Perhaps it’s just a nice way to bypass difficulty in games you play for the story and maintain that immersion. Either way, sound off below.

As always, happy gaming!

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