
2 mins read

Counter Strike: Global Offensive brings some team based, tactical shootin’ and JOJO’s Bizarre Adventure HD brings some bizarro one-on-one fightin’ to Xbox Live this week.

CS:GO looks really, really sharp. I know absolutely nothing about the game, but it’s got a nice graphical overhaul and is loaded with stuff to do. The game has a gaggle of maps to play on, almost fifty weapons to use, and a few brand new game modes. Definitely something for fans of the classic series to sink their teeth into.

Contrasting Counter Strike, JOJO’s Bizarre Adventure might not have the biggest audience, but it’s been a niche favorite in the fighting game genre for some time. The HD overhaul sees the title get a bump in the looks department while still hanging onto the oddball action the game is known for.

A quartet of titles also make their debut on Games on Demand this week. Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, Ratatouille, and Metal Gear Solid HD all make their entries onto Live’s servers for your downloading/playing pleasure.


Deals of the Week


Games on Demand

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